If you do not have a credit card there is a good chance you will not be able to make the purchase. This is the bad news. Now the good news is that there is a solution.
One solution to this dilemma would be what is called pre-paid credit cards. Pre-paid credit cards looks like any other credit card. The only difference is that you have to pay money to the account to use. You can not charge more than what is on your account. It is kind of like a high powered checking account without the checks and is accepted even if you are traveling out of town.
A pre-paid credit card can be used by anyone (even those with bad credit) and it is guaranteed that a person will be successfully approved when they apply for one of these cards. But in order for someone to open a pre-paid credit card they will need to deposit a certain amount with the bank where they are getting the card from. The bank will then issue with a line of credit in relation to the same amount of money that you have actually deposited with them.
The invention of the Pre-Paid credit card has several advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of having this type of card is that you can have an instant credit card without worrying about the usual credit check. Unlike a secured credit card, the person doesn’t have to have a bank account or deposit money.
AMBANK (M) Bhd, dengan kerjasama Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) melancarkan kad prabayar AmBank NexG-iTalk MasterCard Malaysia Bhd (TM) yang dilengkapi ciri kad panggilan prabayar iTalk. Kad prabayar dua dalam satu itu boleh digunakan untuk membeli-belah serta membuat panggilan pada kadar yang rendah.
Kad prabayar ini disasarkan kepada pasaran golongan muda terutama pelajar, yang mana mereka boleh membuat pembayaran dan panggilan tanpa risiko membawa tunai. Berbeza dengan kad kredit yang mensyaratkan pendapatan minimum, umur dan pembukaan akaun, AmBank NexG-iTalk MasterCard boleh dimiliki sesiapa saja dan penggunaannya sama seperti kad kredit.
Ambank NexG-iTalk MasterCard datang bersama pratambah nilai masa berbual bermula dari RM30 dan nilai masa ke udara RM10 hingga RM50 masa berbual dan nilai masa ke udara RM30.
Other Prepaid Mastercard cards available in Malaysia......
No. 4 - RHB PlusOne eCash Prepaid Card
No. 5 -IMPIAN Card EON Bank 1st offering - IMPIAN Prepaid Mastercard.
No. 6 -MOL Freedom Card ( RM 25) - RM 15 will be deducted upon activation
EonBank 2nd offering is a Mastercard Unembossed Card named the MOL Freedom Card. It seems like a prepaid credit card but without the monthly fees yet it can be used for making payments like a credit card.
One of the most important of these is that you can not go over your limit. So as soon as your account is empty then you can not use the card and if you need to make more purchases using it then you need to deposit more money into your account.
A pre-paid credit card may be the way for parents to go who are looking for a way to give their teenager's spending power, but also curbing just how much they are able to spend. The parents are able to fill the card with an allowance or it may be that their teenagers put their summer paychecks on to whenever they can. By doing this you are able to provide your child with the freedom and security of credit card spending, but you are still in control of what they actually spend.
One of the biggest setbacks of bad credit is the inability to easily acquire credit cards. In today’s society the lack of this little piece of plastic can easily hamper many of your activities. Many establishments such as hotels or online purchase require a credit card to facilitate a transaction.